Ad-hoc announcement as of
22 July 2020



+++ Ad-hoc announcement +++

German Startups Group announces share buyback offer
after its Annual General Meeting

  • Implementation after the Annual General Meeting on 7 August 2020 upon approval of the merger with SGT Capital
  • At least 5% of the outstanding shares
  • At a share price of 2.00 euros, as long as covered by the allowance then

Berlin, 22 July 2020 – The managing general partner of German Startups Group announces, with the approval of the supervisory board, that it intends to make a public share purchase offer soon for at least 542,700 shares of the company at a price close to the actual stock market share price at the time, if the merger with SGT Capital Pte. Ltd. was approved by the Annual General Meeting. As far as covered by the allowance of the Annual General Meeting of 17 July 2019, which allows a price deviation of up to 20% up or down the current share price, German Startups Group aims at a buyback price of 2.00 euros. Beforehand the respective number of treasury shares will be withdrawn. The company is currently holding almost 10% or 1,130,400 treasury shares.


Investor Relations contact
German Startups Group
Florian Dammann


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